Conversion Photos

The new trailer

The new trailer before we started doing anything.

Various layouts we were trying. The hard part was figuring out where the dump tanks we able to go, so we could build around it.

Tanks and platforms above the tanks installed.

Toilet Installed

This is battery storage area under the bed. Yes it has plenty of ventilation for the deep cycle batteries. This is also where the inverter and charge controller for the solar panels will go.

Yes it is a mess but we are putting the power center near the bed. The shelf above the power center will be where our small TV goes.

Close up of the power center install.

Some of the outlets we installed in the trailer.

The 45 Gallon Fresh Water tank. It cramed in near the bed but suprisely, we don't have an issue with it.

A friend helped up make the frame of the bed, the battery will go there and there is storage under the bed as well for boxes and stuff.

Early look at the kitchen area. You can see the sink installed nearby.

Buiding some walls for the shower and toilet area.

Shower and Sink area.

Some Views of the semi-finished inside of the Trailer.

This is a custom box we built. Inside is the propane tank and the water hoses. On the outside we have the shore power connection and and outside outlet.