Camping Laws And Regulations The Things You Do Not Know

In the last two months while boondocking, we have been asked to move by various officials from various agencies.

In the first case, it was a US Forest Service person telling us that we were camping include a recreational exclusion zone and that the only camping was in the nearby free campsite. In the second case, Game and Fish came out to tell us we were camp too close to water hole for the animals.

In both cases they cited rules and regulations that unless they told you to leave, you would have no idea that they even existed. Even the officials had a hard time telling us were to find the rules or where the exclusion zone were. They would try to tell us maps that you could get online but we looked at those maps, they had nothing about those exclusion zone. Or they couldn't tell you were the regulations were actually posted.

Generally speaking, I tend to follow the guideline that if there are no signs and there is a fire pit/fire ring , then it is likely safe to camp there. It seems sometimes those sites in places that violate the laws and rules that as a camper you will be unaware of. So never assume that where you camp is 100% good I guess.

I really wish you could put in a Lat and Long in a website and it could tell you the camping regulations for that area (in general) and/or if you can even camp there. Sadly, there is not central clearing house for those sort of rules. So my take away is for everyone to be aware that even if you think you can camp or boondock somewhere, there actually might still be laws and regulations against it so be careful.