I still have nothing to say on this front. It's been a while but I just have not had any news.
I just wanted to let people know that this section of the site will likely be quiet for a long time. I just do not have time to game at this time.
Nothing new to report, Gaming is on hold for now.
One of the disadvantages of being on the road all the time is the lack of ability to play Role-playing games with a steady group. After we are not in one place long enough to really play with a face to face group.
Of course there is the obvious solution of using one of the virtual table tops system. It is one I really thought about doing but once I got on the road I found that I really did not have as much time as I thought I would. I was not going to be able to play online once every week or even every other week. So this put me in a situation of what to do?
So, I decided to go back in time a bit and start up a play by email game with some of the players I had on Roll20. I was originally going to try to use the Roll20 forums for a setup game but the players were not getting notifications about posts. So, I decided to setup an actual mailing list. The upside for me being that I can easily check email via my smartphone anytime on the road and I can reply with it too.
The hardest thing was deciding on a system. It needed to be system lite for sure. After all, the Play-by Email was going to be a lot more heavy on Role-playing than dice rolling. After thinking about it a while, the final decision was to run Tremulus again. If nothing else, it provided a good story-telling foundation for the PbEM.
So far we have only gotten to the character creation and the first emails. I will post more as we play more and I will let you know how things go.